Happy Ending
On Wednesday, July 21, as one of the final activities of the Summer 2010 Aspiring Teacher Program, ASPIRE undergraduate leaders and high school interns hosted a college planning day at the University for Bayard Middle School students. The middle school students toured the campus and interacted with their hosts during a panel discussion that provided tips for succeeding in high school and preparing for admission to the University of Delaware and other competitive schools. The college and high school students had very consistent guidance for the middle school students: Rigor is important. Choose a high school that offers honors and AP courses. Take hard courses, do the work and develop study skills. The middle school students wrote thank you notes to their hosts and exchanged contact information, with all promising to remain in touch. The highlight of the day, without doubt however, was the pizza and gelato finish!

ASPIRE leaders Amber Beamon, Khalid Bilal and Anh Nguyen enjoy the success of their Bayard students. They were assisted by high school interns Sai Gajjala and Tatiana Lofton, both honors students in Red Clay high schools.
This entry was posted in Preprofessional Development in Teacher Education, Service Learning in Teacher Education and tagged College Planning for High School Students, Undergraduate Student Reseach.