ASPIRE Members & DELS Launch Operation CARE

7th & 8th Grade Students Collaborate to Complete the College Information Scavenger Hunt
University of Delaware undergraduate students were hosts to 80 middle and high school students from Delaware and Pennsylvania during the October 24th Blue & Golden Saturday campus open house.
Activities for the 50 middle school participants were developed and conducted by ASPIRE members and supporters representing five University of Delaware colleges. Featuring a mix of informational and interactive activities, the agenda allowed the students to experience a bit of UD campus-life and focus on planning for the future, with UD students as their guides.

Middle School Students Present Their Six Step Plan to Succeed in High School
At the middle school level, the focus was on learning about how to prepare in hgh school in order to have many options for postsecondary education and career training.
At the high school level, students were integrated into Blue & Golden Saturday morning information sessions and accompanied by University of Delaware students. All Delaware students attended a luncheon hosted by UD Admissions, where the students learned about UD’s Commitment to Delawareans.

Christa Jimerson English Education C'09 Leads a Discussion on How Everyday Decisions Shape College & Career Choices
Students from Philadelphia Boys’ Latin Charter School had a noon session with ASPIRE members and learned about summer program opportunities that are designed to help them build competitive academic profiles and resumes, such as FAME, Summer College, and the Aspiring Teacher Internship.

Statistics Major Jonathan Harris, Business Major Elvio Diaz, and Biology Major Anh Nguyen Discuss UD Campus Life and Academic Preparation Required for Admission
UD’s Diversity Enrichment Leaders (DELS) conducted campus tours and assisted as group leaders for middle and high school students.
ASPIRE President Taria Pritchett led the day’s activities. Taria opened the workshops, assisted with presentations, and supervised all activities. The curriculum for Operation CARE (College Awareness Reaching Everyone) was developed by Taria as a service learning project. She and a group of ASPIRE members worked during the 2009 summer to review the literature on preparing students for college, select strategies, and organize activities that help students understand the college planning process, focusing specifically on helping students understand how to build competitive academic profiles.

Bayard Middle School Student, Brandon Crain, Gave the Day's Activities Very High Marks
This entry was posted in Service Learning in Teacher Education and tagged College Planning for Middle & High School Students.