ASPIRE membership is growing! From a committed group of about 8 students during the 2008-09 academic year to a first meeting response of more than 30 students, the ASPIRE membership roster has grown. The organization’s outreach agenda and focus on professional development are attracting new students . The Welcome meeting was held on Thursday September 17th at 6:00 p.m. in 319 Willard Hall. Officers and members provided an orientation to the organization’s mission and activities.
Students also learned about an opportunity to work as tutors in the Brandywine School District with the AVID program. UD Alumna Ella Burton, who coordinates professional development, academic enrichment, and new teacher mentoring in the Brandywinde district, spoke during the meeting. She encouraged students across colleges and majors to get involved with the Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program which supports middle and high school students in mastering academic skills and preparing for college. Interested students may contact Mrs. Burton at ella.burton@bsd.k12.de.us
On October 7, 2009 ASPIRE will host a Classroom Management Workshop in 110 Memorial Hall from 5:00 p.m.- 6:00p.m.
See Get Involved Page for Full Calendar of Fall Semester Activities
This entry was posted in Undergraduate Teacher Education and tagged Student Activities, Teacher Education, Tutoring Opportunities.