UD ASPIRE Members Attend International FEA Meeting In Atlanta
ASPIRE members attended their first FEA conference February 18-20. They joined approximately 2,000 students and faculty members who gathered in Atlanta to encourage the high school students to pursue careers in teaching. FEA now has an undergraduate component, but most students attending were high school students. It was a valuable experience, according to the UD students, as they met interesting and very talented high school students. Among the highlights of the conference was meeting outstanding high school students including FEA International President Leilani Bell (Newark, New Jersey) who has applied to the University of Delaware and will pursue work to prepare her to teach history in urban schools.
The Delaware FEA state director Rita Hovermale and chapter sponsors Cheryl Ford and Lynette Williams also attended the conference with students from Caesar Rodney and Hodgson High Schools in Delaware.
The Saturday lunch speaker Dr. Christopher Emdin of Columbia University gave a very effective presentation on reaching students who have been marginalized in the American education system.
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