Spring Semester 2012 Hearst Scholar Named

Taria Pritchett Receives Spring 2012 Hearst Award

 The ASPIRE community is pleased to recognize Taria Pritchett, former ASPIRE president, for a near perfect academic record in fall 2011.  The Hearst scholarship is awarded at least once each academic year to contributing ASPIRE seniors with the highest grade point averages.  Taria’s fall 2011 record (3.74) is outstanding, and it makes her the third student to receive the Hearst scholarship in 2011-12.  Rachelle Bull and Sharline Derosier received awards in the fall.

Taria has participated in ASPIRE since her freshman year.  She became president of ASPIRE as a freshman and completed her first service learning project by leading the student team that developed the College Awareness workshops that are now sponsored by ASPIRE and UD admissions.  She served as a Summer 2010 Peer Leader in the ASPIRE Internship Program, where she led a team of student researchers in exploring how African American girls develop school identities. Taria is a 2011 McNair Scholar, a leader in residence life and a freshman year experience peer mentor.

 Taria, an English Education major, has been accepted to do graduate work in Urban Education at the University of Pennsylvania.  We are very proud of Taria and look forward to celebrating many future achievements with her.




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