Summer 2010 Up & Running
Pictured are high school interns and undergraduate leaders for all sites except Southern Delaware.
The Aspiring Teacher Program has grown from a tiny group of six high school interns and one undergraduate leader in 2008 to an impressive force of 30 high school interns and 10 undergraduate leaders in 2010. The program opened on June 14, 2010.
The original interns supported early literacy activities in Head Start classrooms. This year’s interns are supporting activities across instructional levels, serving as teacher assistants and student leaders in Philadelphia at Boys Charter Latin High School, at Bayard Middle School in Wilmington, Shue-Medill Middle School in Newark, Milton Elementary School in Southern Delaware, as well as continuing support to Head Start classrooms in New Castle County.
The average grade point average of the high school students is 3.3, and all are interested in teaching and youth development, although many are not convinced that they will pursue education degrees. The undergraduate teacher education majors, who serve as leaders for the various sites, will share their experiences as teacher education majors at the University of Delaware and encourage the interns to join the ASPIRE community.
This entry was posted in Service Learning in Teacher Education, Undergraduate Teacher Education and tagged Summer Leadership Opportunities.