Sooooooo Much to Celebrate

The ASPIRE 2012 season is very special.  This year’s graduates took the reins in ASPIRE when they were freshmen and quite literally recreated ASPIRE as a presence on the UD campus.  This blog entry will grow over the next week to include updates and many, many happy memories, as we wish a very special group much success in the future…look out education world…the ASPIRE grads of 2012 are coming…

Elvio is first among ASPIRE volunteers…Finance Major…artist, teacher at heart and wonderful role model for the next generation. Gracias Mi Amigo for your support…more than 200 service hours…yes we counted….


  Jenee, Stacey and the HDFS Grads…just beautiful!!!

Hooray Rachelle…on to Anh Arbor… Math Ed Rocks!

Continuing important connections…thank you Center for Black Culture …Nathalie is radiant…

  Go English Ed!!!    We love Dr. Deb….

ASPIRE members are in the thick of it all among the English Education graduates.  Hooray Elise, Teresita, Taria!!!

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